Friday, December 21, 2018

Sometimes We Need To Celebrate The Smaller Milestones

There are many reasons why this time of year can be a bit challenging. One of those reasons is that it is often a time we reflect back on the year, as well as begin to set goals and resolutions for the year ahead.  This can be a source of frustration. Maybe this year has brought trials and tribulations. Maybe it was a great year. Or maybe you didn’t accomplish what you had thought you may by this point.

 For me, the year was one of tremendous ups and downs. I began 2018 engaged and planning my wedding. We set our wedding date for September 2- what would’ve been my parents 67th wedding anniversary had my dad still been alive.  We spent the first four months of 2018 looking forward to a day filled with family and close friends. Our wedding day was amazing and one of the happiest days I’ve experienced in my 52 years. However,  the day also encompassed much grief and sadness-  as my husband lost three of his parents in the four months surrounding our wedding. As you would expect, I have very mixed feelings going into this holiday season as well as the new year approaching. 

As I focus on 2019 I find myself compelled to make it a spectacular year. We all make resolutions with the best of intentions- with almost child-like enthusiasm. Then undoubtedly months in (maybe even weeks) we become overwhelmed and let those goals go because they are just not sustainable for the long haul.

 One thing that remains constant for me this time of year is that my thoughts are always on family, especially my children. It is almost always a time when I reminisce about their childhood holidays and  reflect on how much they  grown and who they have become. When they were younger I diligently documented all their milestones. From the moment they were born, I tracked them monthly. I see it now on social media with young mothers I know. They post pictures of their babies at 1 mos, 2 mos, etc. When you have young children you are excited to celebrate each months development… it should be. But, at what point do those months turn into years? When do we stop defining our own progress in months and start focusing on years at a time? In reality, each second on the clock counts. Every day counts.  Every month counts…something I’ve been reminded of over and over in 2018.

This December 31st I am challenging myself to keep this in mind. I will not look to the coming year as a whole, but merely the sum of many parts. I will make my resolutions one month at a time, changing them as I go. I will celebrate the smaller achievements once again-just like I did for my children and most likely as was done for me when I was young.  I will begin with January and my desire to finally schedule a honeymoon (even if just a long weekend) with my new husband. Circumstances beyond our control has prevented us from doing so as of yet. But its time…time to celebrate the milestone of our marriage.

I hope that you will follow suit. Set your sites on January. Celebrate the little things, small as they are. They are so much more valuable that way.

Happy New Year!

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